SCECH Instructions
A sliding scale of SCECH credit is once again being offered. The amount of credit you earn is based on the number of sectionals you attend. You must sign-in and sign-out of every session you attend in order to earn credit.
To apply for credit, take the attached form to the chairperson in each session to be initialed at the beginning and conclusion of the session. You may not sign out of the session prior to its conclusion. Before you leave the conference, take your completed sign-in sheet to the Calvin booth at Headquarters in the lobby of the Convention Center after the closing session. The required $25 application fee for SCECH credit will be collected at the convention when you submit your sign-in sheet. Completed sign-in sheets are only accepted on-site during the convention and will not be accepted by mail or after the convention. When you submit your sign-in sheet you must also provide picture identification. Sign-in sheets will not be accepted for third parties who are not present.
Within 30 days of the convention you will receive an email from Calvin and the state asking you to complete an on-line evaluation in the Secured Central Registry system. The state requires you to complete the evaluation in order to receive the SCECHs. You have 30 days to complete this evaluation, after the 30 days your opportunity is gone. Neither Calvin nor CEA can do anything to change the deadlines so please take care of the evaluation as soon as you get the email. To access your account please go to Michigan Online Educator Certificate System or MOECS.
Important Notes:
Not all sectionals are eligible for SCECH credit. Therefore, you can only earn credit at the sectionals that have been selected as SCECH eligible. These sectionals are listed by number on the sign-in sheet.
You must attend a minimum of three contact hours in order to be eligible for credit. If you do not sign-in for a minimum of three contact hours you have not met the State minimum requirement and will not be eligible for credit.
If you apply and are not eligible or are ultimately not granted SCECH credit, the application fee will be refunded to you minus a $10 processing fee.
You may be denied credit for any of the following reasons:
You have not signed in for at least three hours of instruction
You failed to submit your sign-in sheet prior to leaving the convention
You attended but failed to sign-in or out with the sectional monitor
You failed to pay the $25 application fee
You failed to complete the application form and provide photo identification