2023 CEA Convention Handouts
#2 - Co-Teaching in the Upper El and Middle School Math Classroom - Sara Billin and Mikayla Miedema - Presentation
#4 - By Love, We Go - Mission Trips for High School - Sara Johnson and Peter Boonstra - Presentation, Resources
#6 - 50 Ideas in 60 Minutes - Sheila Dokter - Presentation
#8 - Study Habits - Helping Create a Plan that Works! - Tyler Harms - Handout1, Handout2, Handout3, Handout4
#10 - Words, Words, Words - Emily Hillegonds - Handout
#13 - Social-Emotional and Regulation Strategies for Elementary Students - Lauren Miller - Handout
#17 - Why Curriculum Mapping is Critical to School Culture - Michael Arnold - Handout
#20 - Planning for an Adequate Retirement Income - John Bolt - Presentation, Handout
#34 - Book Buzz: Middle Grades And BeYond - Heather VanDyke, Tara Macias, Kim VanLoo - Handout
#42 - Why Don't They Read My Newsletter? - Brandon Helder - Presentation
#43 - Round Table: High School Science Teacher - Cory Jansen - Handout
#47 - God's Big Words - Whitney Nyeholt, Whitney Beukema, Emma Jo Brinks, Cassie Schaap - Handout
#48 - Finding the Prophetic Voice: Equipping Students to Share God's Grace - Jeremy Oosterhouse - Handout
#49 - Mathematics and Scripture - Timothy Pennings - Handout1, Handout2, Handout3, Handout4
#53 - Round Table for Instructional Coaches - Meghan Van Lente - Handout
#58 - How to Build a Pep Band + Reading Session - Chris Denman - Handout1, Handout2, Handout3, Handout4, Handout5, Handout6
#59 - 50 Ideas in 60 Minutes - Sheila Dokter - Presentation
#60 - Study Habits - Helping Create a Plan that Works! - Tyler Harms - Handout1, Handout2, Handout3, Handout4
#67 - Mathematical Challenges and Surprises - Timothy Pennings - Handout
#74 - Curriculum Trak - Michael Arnold - Handout
#76 - Tips and Tricks of Google Slides - Janice Biegel - Presentation
#77 - Young Adult Literature as Prayer: Themes and Discussion Techniques to Help Students Read YAL with a Christian Perspective - Deborah VanDuinen, Bill Boerman-Cornell - Presentation, Handout
#82 - A Unique Perspective - Educating Students Who Have Siblings With Disabilities - Heather Modert - Handout
#84 - Not All Classrooms Have Four Walls: How to Start and Build a Successful World Travel Program at Your School - Betsy Rybarczyk - Handout
#85 - Christian Teaching and the Science of Reading - Rooks - Handout
#89 - Building a Culture of Value - Ben VanderKodde and Brett Boes - Handout
#92 - Engage, Enhance, Extend: Check Your Tech with Triple E - Sarah Aungst - Handout
#94 - Spanish Language Tools for Effective Discussions - Ingrid Brown Dinelsa Alberty - Handout
#96 - 35 Ways to Stay Inspired to Teach - Greidanus - Presentation
#98 - Something to Look Forward To - Brandon Helder - Presentation
#99 - Noticing and Noting Non-Fiction - Emily Hillegonds - Handout
#100 - God's Big Words - Whitney Nyeholt, Whitney Beukema, Emma Jo Brinks, Cassie Schaap - Handout
#101 - Being Change Agents in a Changing World - Jason Perry - Handout
#104 - Drawing Learning From Activities - Ben VanderKodde and Brett Boes - Handout
#105 - ForScore in the Music Classroom: Transformative Teaching for All Levels - David VanZytveld - Handout
#106 - CSI Schools: When You've Run Out of Space - Ben Westra - Handout