Editor’s Report to the CEA
October, 2014
The Christian Educators Journal continues to enjoy strong support from readers, writers and advertisers. It is our hope that our readers have found the issues of the past year helpful in encouraging staff room conversations about the very important work of Christian education. Your comments and contributions are always welcome, as are your suggestions for issue themes and books to be reviewed.
The February 2015 issue of the Christian Educators Journal will focus on the issue of mental health issues in our schools. One of parts of this issue will be titled “Teacher Voices” and it will feature a series of brief comments and anecdotes from educators on how they have dealt with the stress of their work and how they have supported students and colleagues who may be facing mental health issues. Your contributions can be submitted anonymously if that is your wish. Please contact the editor at editor@cejonline.com to submit your comments or for further information.
For the April 2015 issue you are invited to submit reviews of books and non print materials that you have useful in your work and that you believe would be useful to other readers.
The Board of the Christian Educators Journal is exploring ways of creating a more effective online presence for the journal. A number of issues are being considered including ways of making the journal available to a wider audience, adding blogs and other interactive forums for our readers to our website, etc. We will keep you informed of developments as these occur.
One of the annual issues of the Christian Educators Journal is not organized around a particular theme and contains contributions which could not be included earlier either for reasons of space or because the contribution did not fit in with the issue theme. We encourage you to contribute your responses to anything you may have read in the journal or anything that you have been working on and that you believe would be helpful to the journal readers to this issue.
Each issue of the Christian Educators Journal also includes information describing the themes for future issues and you are encouraged to consider submitting proposals and articles for those themes.
We appreciate the support of our readers and we welcome your feedback at any time on ways that the Christian Educators Journal can be more effective in supporting the work of Christian educators everywhere.
Respectfully submitted
Gary VanArragon
Editor, The Christian Educators Journal