1. The 2016 CEA Convention will be held on October 20 and 21, 2016 atthe Century Center in South Bend, IN.
2. Our Keynote Speaker on Thursday is Bruce Hekman. Bruce is faculty at The VanLunen Center at Calvin College; a Leadership Mentor and Coach; A disciple of Jesus, husband, father, grandfather, teacher and school administrator.
3. Our Capstone Speaker on Friday is Randy Buursma. Randy is the Senior Pastor at First CRC in Grand Rapids, MI and has presented at CEA several times. Welcome back, Randy!
4. The 2015 CEA dues will be $90.00 per person.
5. River City Improv is returning to the 2016 CEA Convention! Plan on attending this event for free on Thursday night, Oct 20 with your staff for some great laughs.
6. The CEA 5K run / walk is returning to the 2016 CEA Convention. We will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Friday morning. Come join us!
7. We will be welcoming first time attendees to the CEA in a new way. CEA Delegates, we will be depending on you to let us know who is experiencing CEA for the first time.
8. 2016 CEA Book Club title is announced! Please join us and read Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee.
We look forward to seeing YOU on October 20 and 21 at the Century Center!